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I found your website and thought it was fabulous! I am Diana Moriarty, daughter of Guiseppe and Maria D'Esposito. I thought I would let you know that I am married to Luke Moriarty and I have two daughters called Emma and Amanda. I would like to look at the recipes. Am I able to do that? Looking forward to hearing from you. Regards Diana Moriarty 6/05/11.

Hi, My aunt Anna Wilson sent me this site. I believe we might be related, my grandmother was Maddelana Muollo. She married Frank Ferraioli and my father (her son) was Pasquale Ferrailoi was her second oldest. My name is Shirley Ferraioli Race and I live in Voorheesville New York-Just outside the Capitol of Albany N.Y. I had the pleasure to meet Cataldo 2 years ago when he was visiting/working in the US. It truly is a small world and thanks to computers we can allshare in our life experiences. I would welcome an email from you. I have spent much time tracking the Ferraioli family tree.but not as well with Muollo's. Great website! Shirley Race 26/03/11.

Hello. My name is Timothy Ferraioli and the reason why I am contacting you is that you might be, and I stress, might be a cousin of ours. We have cousins from Italy Muollo, who married Frank Ferraioli my grandfather who told us that we had relatives in NZ as well as Australia. I have been to Australia several times, twice when I was in the Navy and twice back in 91' to visit our relatives in Melbourne by the name of Mase. I am not the family historian my Aunt is, the last of the 1st generation Ferraioli's here in the states and she sent me a link to your site and I figured I would just contact you so we can try to figure this out. I hope we can connect and add to our family tree. Timothy Ferraioli. Pattersonville NY. We grew up outside of a small town called Altamont NY, 20 miles or so from the capital of New York State. Farm country back then, not so much now. 26/03/11.

Hi,Just happened to be browsing and came across this great website. Well Done!! What a wonderful idea! Josephine (Giuseppina) nee Basile and Raffaele Muollo, Wellington. 14/2/2011.

Paul- I have a hunch we might be cousins. My mom, Maddelena Muollo came from Puolo to the U. S. about 1914. Her father, Pasquali, was a fisherman as were his 2 sons, Genaro and I think also a Pasquali. Those 2 boys immigrated to Argentina a few years before she left Italy.She also had a brother Cataldo and a sister Rosalie who remained in Italy until they died. My mom married Francesco Ferraioli, whom she met in Puolo but came to the U. S. a few years after he did and married him here. Both my parents died several years ago. I am the youngest and only survivor of their 7 children. I am 75 years old but I remember when I was about 5 or 6 having her tell me that she thought she had cousins in New Zeland.After World War II she had 2 nieces immigrate to Melbourne, Australia. They each married Italian men and have children, grandchildren and perhaps even great grandchildren by this time. It just seems to me that anyone with the same last name who lives in a village as small as Puolo must be related. I l got so excited when I found your website that I haven't taken the time to look at it closely. I shall do that now and forward it to each of my 4 children and other family members. I hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely, Anna Ferraioli Wilson. 26/03/11.

Hi, its Patty Gargiulo here - Enjoyed the website it's really good! Regards Patty 11/12/10.

Great idea ... an inspiration for my children ... to understand and know of their heritage place a face to the name ... thank you so much ... absolutely PRECIOUS! Love and wishes John and Salona 23/11/10.

Hi there, I've just been looking at the family website what a great idea. Rachael Muollo 31/08/10.

Great idea! Glad you've managed to track us down. Looking forward to keeping up with the website and the ever-expanding extended family! Francesca Muollo 26/08/10.

great to see - important for next and later generations. Ray Muollo 24/08/10.

Muollo & Gargiulo Family Website