
Welcome to our family website for the descendents of 'Cataldo & Maddalena Muollo', 'Antonino & Maria Gargiulo' and 'Saverio & Cordialina Casa'

Who we are

“Family is not an important thing. It is everything”
Early last century a number of our ancestors left their culture, parents, siblings and everything they knew to emigrate to a country in some cases half way around the world to start a new life. This life was one of freedom, food and love.
As a result, all of us are spread far and wide which means a lot of the family don’t even know each other.
This site has been setup to allow any visitors or members of the Muollo, Gargiulo & Casa families both here in New Zealand and from overseas to visit and gain further insight and knowledge on our family and its history.
The purpose of this site is to keep in touch so feel free to post news, photos or ask questions.
The Family Tree started a few years ago is gradually being updated which is a task in itself especially with all the new connections made in the past week. To assist with this, please feel free to message me from this page your name (Family and Married if applicable) and the names of your parents and siblings.
I will then come back to you with what details I have, if any, and what is missing that you can assist with filling in.
Ciao Paolo Muollo

A bit of history

On the morning of September 27, 1915, the sun shone in the blue sky of Brindisi. The battleship “Benedetto Brin” was anchored. All of a sudden, it was about eight o'clock, a tremendous explosion tore through the air, resounding itself away, on land and on the sea. The houses of Brindisi trembled.
The Benedetto Brin No longer saw. A huge Cloud, Dense and black, had taken his place. For a few minutes, only the flames and screams of the sailors, torn apart by the explosion, let the catastrophe be guessed.
When a gust of wind-dispersed out the immense cloud, the battleship appeared in all her hideous destruction. The bursting of the stern ammunition depot had reduced the mighty battleship to a pile of floating black scrap on the waters of the harbor.
In the midst of the corpses and the floating debris, she sank slowly aft. As the fire blazed, and in spite of the danger, the sailors of the other ships threw themselves into the rescue mission.
Cataldo Muollo (Grandson of Cataldo & Maddalena Muollo) was onboard when the sabotage occurred, He escaped the firestorm by miracle or by the by intercession of Saint Anthony patron of Sorrento as he always claimed.
Submitted by his Grandson Cataldo Muollo

Muollo & Gargiulo Family Website